Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Why Research Paper Topics Is Needed When Conducting Research About Down Syndrome

Why Research Paper Topics Is Needed When Conducting Research About Down SyndromeResearch paper topics include finding the links between diseases and birth defects. Researchers also spend time investigating the causes of most common birth defects and how they are caused by these conditions. They also examine the genetic background of patients with these conditions to determine their susceptibility.Another important part of this research is to investigate the couple's history, especially in cases where the defect is acquired in the first trimester. The researcher takes the history of both the parents, because parents can pass on defects to their children either naturally or as a result of an intentional act. The study may also focus on identifying ways of preventing these defects. These studies may include the study of some of the common risk factors for birth defects, such as birth weight, pre-natal health, etc.Another type of genetic disorder is Tay-Sachs disease, which has been foun d to be in the majority of the families with a family history of Down syndrome. Researchers have also established that in families with a high number of first-degree relatives with Down syndrome, the likelihood of acquiring the disorder doubles. This research has also shown that Down syndrome is more common in women than in men.Chromosome duplications occur when one of the chromosomes in a cell is rearranged. This allows a child to inherit two copies of the chromosome instead of just one. These types of applications are more likely to be the result of a human error than by genetic faults in the parent and/or the child.Other types of Down syndrome research papers are devoted to potential genetic defects in the fetus, especially those that cause defects of the central nervous system. Researchers spend time examining the link between Down syndrome and brain development. They also review the correlation between the treatment given to a patient with Down syndrome and the overall course o f the patient's health.Researchers also search for any correlation between reading comprehension and the disorder. They also look at reading comprehension and other cognitive functions in children and adults who are diagnosed with Down syndrome. Researchers review the effect of the disease on learning and any improvement seen after appropriate treatment is administered.Research papers about Down syndrome are written with a view to research the possible causes of the disorder. This is essential because researchers want to be certain that there is no association between the disease and the general population. Scientists will also do any research that could have any relevance to the social aspects of these individuals.

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